Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Welcome to my mind!

To everyone reading this:

This is my very 1st official blog! Yaaaaay! Im so excited! Those who kno me, know I've always been someone with a lot to say. They also know that I write it better than I can speak it. So in saying that, welcome to my blog! Expect articles, poems, short stories, essays, etc on everything from politics to music to my own personal ventures. Some of it may make sense. Some of it may not. Some of you may agree with it. Some of you may not. But all in all, I hope you @ least enjoy it because while this will be a stress reliever for me, it is strictly for entertainment purposes to others. So feel free to comment, and discuss. I will try to post on here as often as I can, but at least once a week. So check back often k? Thanks! and Much Love until we blog again :)


B said...

YAY! be both blog!

Unknown said...

Lol Rissa u are the GUTS!