Saturday, February 28, 2009


I am such a fan of Vibe Magazine's 20 questions section, that I decided to do 1 of my own! Ready? Okay!

*21.(BONUS) After Scary Movie 1 & 2, Aren't you excited about the Wayans' Dance spoof movie comin out August 14th?
20. Can Lil Wayne really pull off a Rock album?
19. Given her 5 album deal, can Whitney Houston make a real comeback?
18. Why the hell was Diddy twittering during his tantra sex sesh?! lol smh
17. If something happens to the president, are you ready to react?
16. Aren't you anxious for this season of "Dancing with the Stars"? (Lil kim, David Alan Grier, etc)
15. Is it just me, or has American Idol run its last course?
14. Aren't you waiting for a "Martin" Reunion?
13. Now that Obama has challenged us and raised the standards, do you think kids will actually start going back to school and staying there?
12. Oh, and don't you just love how he goes to bball games, and other public events?
11. Who does Stevie Wonder's hair, and y do they still have a job?
10. After 3 #1 albums altogether, why are Danity Kane and Day26 STILL broke?!
9. Is Ray J really serious about this damn reality show?!
8. Aren't you ready for Beyonce to take a damn break and sit down somewhere?
7. Why are people begging Will Smith to release ANOTHER album on twitter? lol
6. Diddy, wtf is train music?!
5. Its a little early, but aren't you wondering if the Republicans will pick a black man to run against Obama in the next election?
4. What exactly constitutes cheating?
3. Mac or PC? lol
2. Is Rihanna and Chris Brown the new Bobby & Whitney?
1. Doesn't VH1's BLACK TO THE FUTURE: 90's futher confirm that the 90's were the shit?!

p.s. People are asking how I feel about this Chrihanna situation.....I promise thatll be my next blog update. Still waitin for the shyt to develop. It's somethin new everyday....I wish yall would subscribe to this blog tho instead of jus coming to read it. I want some comments! Ttyl

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