So I said I wanted to comment on the current debate of whether or not marijuana should be legalized and if so, would it stimulate the economy? I watched a debate about the topic tonight on Larry King Live on CNN, and if I didnt know before then, my answer to both questions is and always will be YES! The following are my reasons:
1. Marijuana is NOT a gateway drug - For those who swear that it has been proven that marijuana use leads to other, much stronger drugs is BULLSHIT. How has it been proven? Please show me the documented proof. Because I could've sworn that the decision for one to use "drugs" (I don't consider marijuana a drug) was based solely on one's own preference or doing. At the end of the day, u eitha choose to do or you don't. Marijuana does not choose for you. Don't blame marijuana.
2. Marijuana is HARMLESS - When have you ever heard of someone over dosing on weed? Better yet, when have you ever heard of someone dying of cancer (i.e. cigarette smokers) from smoking weed? Even better, when have you ever heard of someone dying of liver and/or kidney failure (i.e. alcoholics) from smoking weed? NEVER! THERE ISN'T 1 DOCUMENTED CASE OF SOMEONE SUFFERING FROM OR DYING FROM A MARIJUANA OVERDOSE or complications from marijuana use! Marijuana is one of, if not thee most harmless drug in the existence of the world. Besides sum minor short term memory loss (lol), that is the only side effect. Now of course, you run the risk of breathing problems, but that has to do with the act of smoking, NOT the marijuana itself. So, why then is cigarettes and alcohol, 2 things responsible for a million deaths a year, legal? And why is America content on taxing both, but not marijuana?
3. Marijuana comes straight from God's green earth. If it wasn't meant to be here, it wouldn't be...naturally. And like Katt Williams said, it comes from the earth. And if you just so happen to set it on fire, there are some effects! lol
4. Amsterdam, best known for its decision to legalize marijuana and sell it in coffee shops etc, have reported one of the lowest crime rates...that in itself is self explanatory.
5. Legalizing marijuana would open doors for medicinal marijuana research and possibly offer some advances in the medical field. Granted, people will take advantage of it, but thats likely in everything you do, so that idea cannot be used as an excuse not to legalize it. The lives of sick people are in jeopardy because of the ignorance and stubborness of American legislation. On CNN, talk show host Montell Williams spoke about the American Government has distributed amounts of marijuana monthly to 25 people for the last 30yrs, for medicinal purposes. To date, the number of people being served has dropped to 5 people. If that is the case, the government must know that marijuana does have some kind of relevant medical purposes. So while serving these now 5 people, why is the government so hell bent on the rest of the millions of sick people wanting the same treatment? It makes no sense. Economic benefits? Of course, if marijuana is legalized, the government will tax it. Thus consumers would have to pay taxes, however, those taxes would be inherited by the government and its economy, thus not only boosting the economy, but also creating jobs in the process. Now America is known for being a money driven society so why it's running from the billions of dollars that could be made from an advancement such as this, I have no idea
6. The legalization of marijuana would lead to the decriminalization of marijuana law offenders - As result such as this 1 would be GREAT! Why? Well because with the overcrowding of our prison system, it is possible that all non-violent drug offenders would be released, providing more room for the real criminals. The rapists, murderers, child molesters, etc. The prison wouldn't be overcrowded, if there wasnt a million men and women locked up for bullshit such as possession or distribution of marijuana.
6. The legalization of marijuana would lead to the decriminalization of marijuana law offenders - As result such as this 1 would be GREAT! Why? Well because with the overcrowding of our prison system, it is possible that all non-violent drug offenders would be released, providing more room for the real criminals. The rapists, murderers, child molesters, etc. The prison wouldn't be overcrowded, if there wasnt a million men and women locked up for bullshit such as possession or distribution of marijuana.